Modulation of emotion elicitation in film
How do we reach to induce a first hand emotion, measure it valid and investigate empathy at the same point?
Project No. G 206
Corinna Pehrs
This dissertation project examines how the brain integrates emotional auditory, visual and semantic information to build a coherent representation during movie perception. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in combination with naturalistic stimuli (film) the components are manipulated separately to disentangle the contributions of each of the different modes (visual, auditory, semantic). Using empathic film scenes the project focuses on compassion with a movie-character identification as a main source for emotion elicitation and therewith aims to build a bridge from Film Studies to Neuroscience. Analyses of (effective) connectivity are applied to investigate underlying changes in neural network dynamics.
Prof. Dr. Lars Kuchinke
Prof. Dr. Stefan Koelsch