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Corinna Pehrs

PhD Candidate (Alumna)

Habelschwerdter Allee 45
Room JK 33/103
14195 Berlin


Modulation of emotion elicitation in film


The processing of affective information across different media modalities (117)



C Pehrs, L Deserno, JH Bakels, L Schlochtermeier, H Kappelhoff, A Jacobs, T Fritz, S Koelsch, L Kuchinke. How music alters a kiss: superior temporal gyrus controls fusiform-amygdalar effective connectivity. SCAN (submitted)

C Pehrs, M Voget, L Schlochtermeier, JH Bakels, M Bajbouj, AM Jacobs, HR Heekeren, H Kappelhoff, L Kuchinke. Anterior temporal lobe activations mediate compassion through semantic representations of empathic film scenes. Program No. 15609. 2012 Neuroscience Meeting Planner, New Orleans, CA: Society for Neuroscience, 2012. Online


C Pehrs, JH Bakels, AM Jacobs, H Leder, H Kappelhoff, S Koelsch, L Kuchinke, 2011. The Modulation of neural processing of audio-visual Kissing Scenes in Romantic Comedies through happy and sad music. Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2011, Québec.

C Pehrs, JH Bakels, H Leder, H Kappelhoff, S Koelsch, AM Jacobs, L Kuchinke, 2011. The Modulation of neural processing of audio-visual Kissing Scenes in Romantic Comedies through happy and sad music. 7th Conference of Media Psychology, Bremen.

C Pehrs, JH Bakels, S Koelsch, AM Jacobs, L Kuchinke, 2011. Modulation der neuronalen Verarbeitung audiovisueller Kussszenen durch Musik. In K. Bittrich, Blankenberger, S. Lukas, J. (Hrsg.). Beiträge zur 53. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (S. 131). Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers.