3. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Hirnstimulation "Modulating Emotions"
"Modulating Emotions" - diesem Thema widmete sich die Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Hirnstimulation
Organisation: Malek Bajbouj, Anne Weigand
21. und 22. Juni 2012
Donnerstag, 21. Juni 2012
Tagungseröffnung (Malek Bajbouj, Berlin)
Teil 1
(Moderation: Michael Nitsche, Göttingen)
An introduction to the early development and basic principles of TMS
(Anthony Barker, Sheffield)
Combined left and right-frontal rTMS in depression: theta-burst vs. tonic rTMS vs. sham stimulation
Michael Landgrebe (Bamberg)
The cortical network for the processing of emotional words and its modulation by rTMS
Christian Dobel (Münster)
Teil 2
Moderation: Hartwig Siebner (Hvidovre, DK)
What’s new in tDCS? Preclinical and clinical data
Michael Nitsche (Göttingen)
tDCS for the treatment of depression and schizophrenia
Ulrich Palm (München)
Modulatory effects of anodal tDCS to the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex on item-method directed forgetting
Bastian Zwissler (Tübingen)
Freitag, 22. Juni 2012
Teil 3
Moderation: Anthony Barker (Sheffield, UK)
Context-dependent cortex stimulation – Strategies and perspectives
Hartwig Siebner (Hvidovre, DK)
Young investigator talks:
The combined effects of tDCS and rTMS on emotional working memory
Aline Richtermeier (Berlin)
Impact of continuous theta-burst stimulation on the acoustic startle response – Is there an effect on corticolimbic control?
Nadja Vennewald (Münster)
The visual cortex and remote fear: An fMRI-guided rTMS study
Lian Zhang (Berlin)
rTMS and EEG – Findings in healthy subjects
Thomas Domning (Rostock)
Dissociation of changes in pain thresholds and cortical excitability due to motor tasks in healthy subjects
Magdalena Volz (Berlin)